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How Homeowners Really Feel About Lawns


Americans put a high priority on their own personal green space, according to a survey by the National Association of Landscape Professionals. The survey found 81% of Americans have a lawn, and nearly as many (79%) say a lawn is an important factor in choosing a home. That includes renters and buyers.

In fact, a good-sized lawn was ranked the second most important feature of a new home, after an updated kitchen.

Landscape professionals who are trying to make inroads with millennial clients, take note. Millennials rated lawns as the No. 1 feature in a new home. They were also more likely than boomer or Gen X consumers to say a lawn was important when renting or buying a home.

RELATED: 3 Factors for Stress-free Summer Lawns

“While some may assume that trends toward urbanization or the increased use of electronics and technology have resulted in a decreased interest in lawns among younger Americans, the results of our research found just the opposite,” Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for NALP, said in a statement. “Overall, the results confirm what professionals in the lawn care and landscape industry have long known–Americans have a great appreciation for the value that healthy lawns bring to their lives.”

NALP found that beyond just appreciating a beautiful lawn, homeowners are using them regularly: as living spaces, entertainment areas and for recreation. Over three-quarters of respondents said they spend time in their yard at least once a month for relaxation, while a third get out and garden several times a week.

Nearly half of respondents use their yard at least monthly to entertain guests, while 57% use it for recreation.

“Lawns and public green spaces provide a backdrop for Americans’ memory-making moments while offering tremendous benefits for our communities and environment,” says Henriksen. “The research supports the important work that lawn care professionals do to create and maintain healthy lawns across the country.”


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