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Homes Provide More Than Shelter


Covington Homes’ heart beats across El Paso County

If home is where the heart is, then Colorado Springs-based Covington Homes’ heart beats across El Paso County. Founded in 2007 by Grace and Ron Covington, award-winning Covington Homes is a leader in constructing energy-efficient, safe and high-quality homes. And thanks to their lifelong expertise in housing construction, the Covington couple is also intimately acquainted with homes’ more intangible essentials.

“A house provides so much more than shelter,” says co-owner Grace Covington. “It’s also a place of refuge, where we eat and play, where families gather and create priceless memories–it’s something precious that’s often handed down from generation to generation.”

Locally owned and operated, giving back to the community that has given them so much has always been a cornerstone of the company mission. Embracing philanthropic endeavors that make positive impacts on the lives of fellow community members, Covington Homes dedicates considerable resources—and time—to support three outstanding charities: The Colorado Springs St. Jude Dream Home, Peak Vista Community Health Centers, and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) of the Pikes Peak region.

St. Jude Dream Home

Children have a special place in the hearts of both Grace and Ron, and their passion for serving as the Colorado Springs St. Jude Dream Home builder is clear. An annual fundraising raffle to advance St. Jude’s mission to eradicate childhood cancer and ensure families get the free food, housing and travel necessary to support their child’s treatment, Covington Homes proudly donates the materials, labor and even interior design to construct the grand prize Dream Home.

With 2022 marking Covington’s seventh Dream Home, Covington’s efforts generated more than $1.1 million for St. Jude, and they intend to continue helping the hospital realize its mission by raising even more money next year.

Peak Vista

Access to health care has long been difficult for El Paso County’s under-employed, poor and homeless populations, so the not-for-profit Peak Vista organization seeks to provide these individuals with the same quality care afforded to the well-insured–and to do so with dignity and respect.

With a belief that health and wellness is key to a better life, Covington Homes has proudly supported Peak Vista’s Breakfast of Champions for nine years (and assuming the Silver Medal Partnership for the last two) and has pledged to increase its contributions and sponsorships.


Covington Homes’ commitment to the community’s youth inspired Grace to volunteer for another challenging role–advocating for the best interests of children suffering from abuse, neglect or overwhelming domestic conflict for the nonprofit Court Appointed Special Advocates of the Pikes Peak region. Once a judge assigns a CASA, they are the children’s voice not only in court, but also in the community while they pursue a goal to place them in loving, safe homes where they can thrive and find hope in the future.

In addition to generating program awareness, Covington Homes also provides significant financial support to this cause. Recognized as a Large Donor and Business Partner, their generosity enables CASA volunteers to advocate for more than 18 children every year. Grace also serves as the program’s chair of the board of directors.

As long as Covington Homes builds high-quality homes, you can be sure Grace and Ron will continue building a stronger community via these and other local charities.



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