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The editorial team at Colorado Builder does accept contributed content for consideration. All content should be submitted to Corey Dahl at [email protected] (Editor). Any revisions requested by editors that are not filed in a timely fashion may result in the article not being accepted for publication.

Contributor Guidelines

  • Association Media Partners (AMP) retains exclusive rights to any content accepted for publication in Colorado Builder and any associated websites. Content may not be published by any other print or online publication once accepted by AMP.
  • Content should be educational in nature. Submissions for consideration in Colorado Builder should address issues that are relevant to professionals in the home building industry, including builders and remodelers, developers, contractors, architects and engineers.
  • All submitted articles and images should be the author’s own work or within the author’s right to publish.
  • Contributors may not use editorial submissions for self-promotion. References to the contributor’s company or organization should be limited, and serve to inform the reader of the contributor’s competency in the subject at hand.
  • Article length should be between 550 and 600 words, unless otherwise agreed to by writer and editor.
  • Sources should be cited within the body of an article, not in footnotes.
  • Accompanying artwork is appreciated, but not required to be considered for publication. Images submitted with an article will only be used in the print and online versions of that article and will include credits to the photographer.